A Cautionary Tale
·1339 words·7 mins
A Cautionary Tale to those who have to look to local authorities for help.
I write this for all of the parent of children that might need a bit of help from the social services.
·189 words·1 min
Another rotation around the sun is done. Half way through the first month and not a thing has been done
Tam is taking every moment of every second even when he is asleep.
Visiting Tam
·240 words·2 mins
So planned visit with Tam today. It did not go as planned.
Arrived at the hospital and was signing in when I got a call from an unknown number. It was the ward in the hospital to say that there had been an incident.
Frame of Reference
·380 words·2 mins
Frame of reference # Tam struggles a lot with holidays. The worst time is christmas because it has a load of indicators about losing Mammy. But other school holidays have immense challenges for him.
·67 words·1 min
December is always going to be hard for Tam and me. The hole that was left in our lives when Bev died gets bigger again once December comes around. For Tam the sight of Christmas decorations and adverts can become too much and I have to try to isolate him from it.